ADG-Production of dental veneers and crowns

All About Dental Lumineers

Veneers are the traditional option dentists use to make discolored or damaged teeth appear whiter and glossier than they really are.

They are made of porcelain and require extensive preparation before they are bonded to your teeth. If you feel they’re not for you, you might want to try dental Lumineers; they are lighter, easier, and cheaper than traditional veneers. They are manufactured by DenMat dental laboratory, and some dentists offer them as cosmetic solutions.

Learn more about Lumineers, their pros and cons, and how they’re different from veneers with Advanced Dental Group.

What Are Dental Lumineers?

Lumineers for teeth are ultra-thin caps made of specialized ceramic composite by DenMat LLC. Also known as “no-prep” veneers, they are attached to the front of your teeth and are easier to install.

Lumineers instantly correct and improve the appearance of your teeth like veneers. They are effective for:

  • Teeth with unusual shapes or size
  • Immediate smile makeover
  • Correcting the gaps between teeth
  • Correcting minor misalignment and crookedness
  • Discolored teeth

Dental Lumineers are more translucent than traditional veneers, making them unsuitable for patients with heavily-discolored teeth. They are also semipermanent, which allows dentists to remove from your teeth with little to no damage.

Lumineers: Pros and Cons

You may find these benefits when looking at dental Lumineers reviews:

Faster Results

Lumineers for teeth are popular for their speedy installation. They also require fewer visits to the dentist and are easier to remove or replace.


The cost of dental Lumineers varies, depending on each patient’s case. While they are considered the most affordable veneer option, you might spend $800-$2000.

Less Invasive

Dental Lumineers require minimal teeth shaping or grinding before their installation. They are also painless, even without anesthesia.
However, Lumineers also have their drawbacks despite their benefits:

Less Durable

Lumineers are less durable than traditional porcelain veneers. They may last up to five to twenty years, but they’re more susceptible to damage. Brushing them will require extra care. How long Lumineers last will also depend on the quality of the bonding material used to attach them to the front of the teeth.

Low Efficacy

Dental Lumineers are thinner and more translucent than porcelain or composite-type veneers, which makes them ineffective against some cases of discoloration, staining, and severe dental problems.

How to Choose Between Lumineers and Veneers

Dentists can use dental Lumineers and veneers to correct and improve your smile’s appearance. Both are effective and easily tolerated. Some of the factors you should consider when choosing between the two include:


Dental Lumineers and other no-prep veneers are easier and faster to place than traditional veneers. It also takes fewer appointments to have Lumineers installed.


Dentists need to drill, file, and grind your teeth before they install traditional veneers, which is an irreversible process. Lumineers and other no-prep veneers don’t need teeth to be shaped before their installation, making them more tolerable and pain-free than traditional veneers.


Lumineers for teeth can’t correct some cases of malformation or misalignment. On the other hand, veneers are more capable of protecting and concealing discoloration.


Porcelain veneers can last up to 15 years or more. Lumineers also last long, but they are more susceptible to staining and discoloration.


Traditional veneers and Lumineers may have varying price ranges, but Lumineers may have lower out-of-pocket costs because it only needs fewer appointments. Veneers for each tooth may cost between $925 and $2500, while Lumineers cost between $800 to $2000. Insurance doesn’t usually cover cosmetic dental procedures; it’s best to talk with your dentist about financing options.

How To Get Lumineers

After the initial consultation where you discuss your goals and options, you will still need to make at least two additional appointments to get your Lumineers. The first one will be shorter since your dentist will only need to take impressions of your teeth; they won’t need to prepare your teeth by trimming, shaving, or grinding them.

Your dentist will send the impressions they made to DenMat’s laboratory. Your custom-made Lumineers will be ready in two to four weeks.

You won’t need temporary veneers while waiting for your custom Lumineers. When they’re ready, your dentist will set another appointment where they will attach the Lumineers to your teeth.

Aftercare for Lumineers

1. Practice good dental hygiene.

Many people find it challenging to learn how to floss or brush with Lumineers; nevertheless, they should still try to brush and floss their teeth after each meal, at least once a day. Don’t brush your teeth too hard, or you may damage your Lumineers. You may also ask your dentist to show you how to brush and floss your teeth effectively after the procedure.

2. Avoid potentially harmful foods.

Foods can also damage your Lumineers; chewing on hard candy or ice can cause chips and fractures. Luckily, Lumineers are not affected by staining foods like tea, wine, and blueberries. However, they may discolor the teeth surrounding the Lumineer, making it stand out.

3. Stop harmful habits.

Smoking negatively affects teeth and overall health. Cigarettes and other tobacco products can turn your teeth yellow and damage your teeth and Lumineers. Stopping cigarette smoking will help protect your smile’s aesthetics and reduce health risks. Avoid keeping objects between your teeth or tearing packages open with your mouth.

4. Visit your dentist regularly.

The longevity of your Lumineers rests in your hands. Take steps to ensure your lumineers’ before and after pictures stay the same for many years. You may also learn from dental Lumineers reviews; they may offer some insight on what can damage your Lumineers.

You should still visit your dentist for regular cleaning and checkups. Lumineers don’t decay or deteriorate with proper care, but they will still require healthy gums and teeth to support them.

Contact Advanced Dental Group Today

Advanced Dental Group is affiliated with the best dentists in Dillon, CO, who can help you achieve your dental goals with dental Lumineers and other cosmetic dental procedures. Give us a call today, and we’ll connect them to you.

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