Why Your Child's First Dental Visit Matters

Why Your Child’s First Dental Visit Matters

Your child’s dental health is an essential aspect of their physical development. For this reason, dental professionals highly recommend your child’s first dental visit to be as early as their first birthday.

Turning regular dental visits into a habit for your child is more than just having them get used to their dentist; it’s a step towards establishing good oral health that continues through adolescence and into adulthood.

When Should a Child Have Their First Dental Visit?

The American Academy of Pediatric Dentistry — a valuable early childhood treatment information and resource provider for dentists and hygienists — recommends that a baby’s 1st dental visit happens as soon as their first tooth erupts, no later than 12 months of age.

At the age of two, when your child transitions from being bottle-fed to drinking from a cup, have dental appointments for toddlers set every six months.

At ages four to six, your child may be eligible to have their first mouth x-ray to check for cavities.

Between six and 12 years of age (commonly between ages seven and nine), permanent teeth will replace their primary teeth. Your child’s pediatric dentist might suggest an orthodontic evaluation at age seven. It’s also a great idea to ask the dentist for a sealant or plastic resin to be placed on a molar’s chewing surface to prevent cavity-causing bacteria from building up.

Some Notes on the “Dental Home”

A child’s first dental visit paves the way towards establishing a “dental home” or the continuous relationship between patient and dentist.

Early dental visits focus on education and prevention for continuous care, a vital component of a dental home. It is also here where parents receive instruction on topics like oral and dietary habits, oral hygiene, and milestones their children should reach as they mature and grow.

It allows parents to help promote their children’s oral health and reduce the risk of diseases. It also allows dentists to develop a reliable dental care plan for their young patients to prevent the need for more treatments later in life.

Benefits of Early Dental Care Visits

It’s a fact that early dental visits would not be successful without continuous care at home. Basic dental care practices like brushing with fluoride toothpaste twice a day, flossing, and reducing sugar intake are important for your child to reap the most from their first dental visit.

Taking your child to their pediatric dentist at an early age helps achieve:

Good Oral Habit Development

It’s necessary to teach your children the importance of healthy dental practices. Consulting a pediatric dentist will encourage your child to learn and apply correct brushing techniques, flossing, and prevent dental cavities. By encouraging these practices through a positive experience with a dental professional, your baby’s 1st dental visit will mark the start of a healthy dental care journey.

Disease Detection and Prevention

There are some teeth and gum abnormalities that only manifest when the patient is young, which is why setting a dental appointment for your toddler can help you detect and address any dental problems earlier.

A child’s teeth are prone to tooth decay. Baby teeth need protection so they can serve as guides for incoming permanent teeth. Keep their teeth safe and healthy with early dental visits where decay is monitored, treated, and kept at bay with fluoride applications and sealants.

Tooth Decay Prevention

Dental cavities often lead to decay, and this can begin as early as a few years old. Prevent this from happening by taking your kids to the dentist for routine checkups and dental care treatments. Otherwise, they might face serious oral health issues in the future.

Professional Assistance

Dentists provide valuable tips on maintaining good oral hygiene. As professionals, dentists can answer any questions you may have concerning dental care, like what foods or habits cause decay, the importance of drinking from a cup as they reach their first birthday, and how to brush primary teeth properly. They can also help in handling childhood issues like thumb sucking, teeth grinding, and teething.

Dentists are your coaches when it comes to dental care and dietary habits. Not only will your child have a rich set of teeth, but they will also have well-kept oral health free from dental diseases.

Preparing for Your Child’s First Dental Appointment

As a parent, it’s important to understand the role you play in early pediatric dental care. It is your responsibility to encourage your children to follow good oral hygiene and have them see a dentist regularly.

In preparing for your child’s first dental visit:

  • Be brief when explaining an upcoming dental visit to your child. Simply inform them about the visit ahead of time, and do not over-talk about the experience.
  • Avoid topics about fear or negative associations with dentists. Even if you had a bad encounter with your dentist when you were young, it’s not right to assume the same for your kid.
  • Many parents make the mistake of interjecting during dental visits. However, hearing multiple voices will confuse the child and inhibit them from bonding with their dentist. During dental visits, be present, but don’t be a nuisance.

Schedule an Appointment

Let us be your partners in kickstarting your child’s journey towards great dental health.

Whether you need recommendations on maintaining your child’s dental health or are looking for professionals for your baby’s 1st dental visit, Advanced Dental Group is here to help. For inquiries and appointments, contact our team today!

No matter what your dental needs may be, we can connect you and your child to the best dental professionals in your area.

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