When Is the Right Age To Undergo a Dental Implant Procedure

When Is the Right Age To Undergo a Dental Implant Procedure?

Tooth loss is one of the most common dental problems.

Not only does this affect self-esteem, but it also affects mouth function. A person can lose their teeth due to periodontal disease, tooth decay, or dental trauma. Bridges and dentures used to be the only restoration options available until dental implants came into the picture.

Implants serve as replacements for tooth roots to hold prosthetic teeth in place. They work and look just like natural teeth; other people will not even notice you have them.

What Are the Benefits of Dental Implants?

Some advantages of replacing missing teeth with dental implants are:

  • Improved Speech: Dentures tend to slip out of position and slur your speech or give you a difficult time pronouncing your words. With implants, you’ll enjoy talking without worries.
  • Improved Appearance: Implants feel and look like natural teeth. They’re also an excellent and lasting solution for tooth loss.
  • Better Comfort: Implants become part of your mouth and eliminate the discomfort of using dentures.
  • Enhanced Oral Health: Unlike other restoration options, implants don’t affect nearby teeth. It’s also easier to care for your teeth with implants.
  • Durability: Proper care for your implants will go a long way; they may even last you a lifetime.
  • Ease of Use: With implants, there’s no need to go through the grueling task of removing them. Dentures are an inconvenience and will sometimes require adhesive to stay intact.

At What Age Can You Get Dental Implants?

Babies and toddlers are not candidates for this procedure. They don’t have their permanent teeth yet. However, it doesn’t mean that they can get implants when they get a little older. Children within the K-6 range are not suitable candidates for implants as well.

As long as the body has not stopped development, the jaw will still mature and grow. Implants are not a viable option; performing this procedure so early in life can only fail.

At the age of 18, you may be a candidate for it, as long as you have stopped maturing. Only a dentist can ascertain whether you are a candidate for dental implants. Your dentist will do a complete assessment and customize a treatment plan for your specific needs.

The good news is that a person can’t be too old for dental implants. Seniors, even in their 90s, can benefit from this with excellent results. Since the majority of people lose their teeth later in life, implants are a perfect solution.

What Can Affect Your Candidacy for Implants?

Although there’s no age limit for implants, there are health risk factors that may deem you unqualified. Individuals who are not in their best shape are at risk of complications.

Also, if tooth loss happened a long time ago, there may not be enough bone and tissue to support the implants. The procedure may also involve gum and bone grafting surgeries, which seniors may not want to go through, prolonging the treatment process.

What Happens After the Procedure?

Like any dental procedure, it’s common to experience the following after-surgery discomforts:

  • Minimal bleeding
  • Pain on the site of the implant
  • Swelling of your face and gums
  • Bruising of your gums and skin

Your dentist will prescribe medications to manage the pain and swelling. Monitor the implant site, and call your dentist if something doesn’t seem right. You may need to eat soft foods for a few days.

Most cases of implants are successful. In rare cases, the bone may fail to fuse to the implant. Bad habits like smoking may cause the implant to fail. When that happens, your dentist will remove the failed implant and clean the bone. You may try again in three months.

How Much Are Dental Implants?

A dental procedure like this isn’t inexpensive. You may have to spend $1,500 to $6,000 for a tooth. A full-mouth implant may cost you $40,000. Your oral health is a determining factor in the total cost of the entire procedure. Talk to your dentist to know how much you’ll be spending.

What Are Different Ways To Make Implants More Affordable?

Do your research and compare prices from various dental offices. See if they can accept the insurance plan that you have and learn what requirements you’ll need to fulfill to get coverage, how long until you can undergo the procedure, and how much you’ll have to spend out-of-pocket.

Widen your search. Don’t just type “dental implants near me” on the internet. Check out nearby cities and towns as well. An extra 30-minute drive may be worth it if it will slash a quarter of the costs. Aside from dental insurance, you can also look into dental loans.

Advanced Dental Group Is Here

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Advanced Dental Group is associated with dental professionals near you. Let seasoned dentists care for you. Find out if you’re a candidate for dental implants. Call us today!

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