How to Protect Your Teeth This Holiday Season

How to Protect Your Teeth This Holiday Season

Christmas is just around the corner. Do you know what that means? It’s time to celebrate, party, eat, and drink! If you plan to go to many gatherings and eat lots of food, there are a few reminders you need to know regarding your dental health.

As the year ends, it’s easy to set aside your dental health when you’re too preoccupied with holiday preparations. Don’t worry; we are here to help you make your holidays free from cavities.

We’ve prepared a few important tips on how to protect your teeth this year-end, along with a list of holiday food and drinks to consume in moderation.

Tips for Protecting Your Teeth This Holiday Season

Here are a few reminders on how to protect your teeth while enjoying the holidays:

1. Practice proper dental hygiene.

There are no holidays when it comes to taking care of your teeth. Just because you’re on vacation doesn’t mean that you can take a break from brushing twice and flossing once a day.

To make sure that you end the year with healthy teeth, practice proper dental hygiene every day. Use fluoride toothpaste and other dental products with the American Dental Association Seal of Acceptance.

2. Wear mouthguards.

If you’re planning to get yourself involved in different physical outdoor activities this year-end, don’t forget to wear mouthguards or other alternatives. These dental devices can protect your teeth from damage due to accidents or injuries.

3. Drink lots of water.

Drinking lots of water can keep you energized and refreshed during the holiday season, but did you know that it also benefits your teeth? Yes, you read it right. Water can keep your teeth healthy and strong.

Water keeps your mouth clean. With a clean, hydrated mouth, plaque can’t build up. Additionally, water dilutes acid from food and beverages, keeping tooth enamel protected.

4. Keep treats out of reach.

Another tip on how to protect teeth from cavity development is keeping sweets and other snacks out of reach. With the holidays going on, you might receive tons of candies, chocolates, and chips.

What you can do is consider giving a portion of these treats to your friends, relatives, and neighbors. You can also eat one serving a day to satisfy your cravings. Set a goal to remind yourself to take care of your dental health.

5. Avoid particular food and drinks.

If possible, avoid eating and drinking sweet, crunchy, and sticky food and drinks. You can eat them in moderation but always practice self-control. While they can satisfy and make you happy, they are detrimental to your dental and physical health.

6. Plan ahead.

One of the most often overlooked tips on how to protect teeth enamel is planning. Before going to parties or gatherings, decide how much sugary food or drinks you’re going to consume.

This is an important reminder to consider; many people tend to leave their dental routine at home. When going to parties, they tend to go overboard and forget about their goals.

7. Avoid teeth grinding.

Grinding and clenching your teeth can cause damage and jaw pain. With many things taking place during the holiday season, don’t forget to give yourself a break to avoid stress, which can cause grinding and clenching.

You also need to avoid different practices, such as cracking nutcrackers and opening presents using your teeth. These poor habits can damage its outer layer. In worst-case scenarios, they can even result in broken, cracked, or chipped teeth.

9. Don’t forget to set dental appointments.

Some dental clinics close during public holidays. Make sure that you set an appointment before or after those days to know the condition of your teeth, catch different issues, and address dental problems.

By regularly setting appointments with your dentist, you can prevent dental emergencies and other disruptions this holiday season. Additionally, if you’re due for any treatment, don’t wait until January to get it done.

Holiday Food and Drinks That Can Damage Your Teeth

Now that you have a guide on how to protect your teeth for the holidays, it’s essential to know the food and drinks that are hard on your teeth. As much as possible, steer clear of the following:

1. Sodas

It isn’t a secret that soda is detrimental to your teeth. Not only does it break down tooth enamel, but it also promotes bacterial growth in the mouth due to its acid and sugar content.

According to a 2009 case report from the Journal of Zhejiang University SCIENCE B, soft drinks can cause severe tooth decay and dental erosion. For that reason, it’s crucial to avoid sodas even after the holidays.

2. Wines and Cocktails

Red and white wines are commonplace in holiday celebrations and parties. However, red wine can turn your teeth gray due to its tannin content. White wine, on the other hand, has high acidity levels that can weaken tooth enamel.

Cocktails and other alcoholic beverages are also drinks you should avoid. They contain high acidity levels and can accelerate bacterial growth. Alcohol also increases the risk of periodontal disease.

3. Juices

Juices contain high sugar levels, which can cause bacteria to grow and demineralize tooth enamel. Even fruit juices can be detrimental to your teeth, especially those coming from berries and citrus fruits.

4. Desserts

Desserts are everywhere during holiday celebrations. While it’s fine and dandy to eat them in little amounts, too much can promote plaque buildup. To satisfy your sweet tooth, practice moderate consumption. Avoid eating too much of these desserts during the holidays:

  • Toffee Bars
  • Cookies
  • Peanut Brittle
  • Cakes
  • Puddings
  • Dried Fruits
  • Popcorns
  • Candies

5. Pecan Pies

Pecan pies contain large amounts of sugar; some recipes even call for sugar-coated pecan nuts. They are sticky and can linger between teeth and under the gumlines for a long time.

Aside from increasing the risk of tooth decay, pecan pies can also cause many other dental problems, including gingivitis and gum inflammation, both of which can lead to gum disease.

Advanced Dental Group Is Here to Help You Have a Cavity-free Smile This Year-End

If you want to visit a dentist before the holidays start, Advanced Dental Group can connect you to the best ones in your area. We’ve partnered with dentists from different locations to promote good dental health. Our affiliate dentists can help you end the year with bright and healthy teeth. Contact us today for any inquiries. May your holidays be filled with joy, laughter, and love!

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