How Long Do Veneers Last

How Long Do Veneers Last?

You deserve a brilliant smile.

A smile can say a thousand words. It’s a powerful nonverbal means of communication that conveys so much without having to say anything. People, however, are less likely to smile when their teeth are chipped, discolored, stained, or malformed.

The good news is that dental veneers are a quick treatment for these minor dental issues. These are thin shells placed on the front surface of your teeth to hide flaws. They are customizable in color, shape, and size to meet your specific needs. They are a great aesthetic option that will improve your teeth’s appearance and smile.

“How long do veneers last? Are they a permanent solution?” are common questions people raise.

Are They a Permanent Fix?

Dental veneers are not a permanent solution; however, with proper care, they can last for over a decade. Do note that the treatment is irreversible as the dentist will need to scrape off a small amount of enamel to accommodate the veneers. Once your veneers are damaged or removed, you’ll have to get a new set.

What Are Veneer Types and Lifespans?

Veneers have different types depending on the material used. Be sure to discuss the options with your dentist to find one that suits your needs and lifestyle.

Porcelain Veneers

Porcelain is the most commonly used material in veneers due to its robust, thin, and stain-resistant aspects. It is translucent and mimics the appearance of natural teeth. A lab usually makes them, and dentists must prepare them before gluing them onto your teeth.

How long do porcelain veneers last? According to research by The National Library of Medicine, patients can make them last for up to 20 years with proper care and maintenance.

Composite Veneers

A resin-based composite is yet another popular material used in veneers. Though they are not as durable as porcelain, composite veneers cost less and are easier to repair.

How long do composite veneers last? With decreased durability, their lifespan is around five years.

No-prep Veneers

As the name says, they are veneers that don’t require much prep work before use; they are a less invasive procedure that can save your tooth enamel. Vivaneers, DURAThin veneers, and Lumineers are some of the most popular brands.

How long do no-prep veneers last? They can last to 20 years with proper care. However, because of the material used, they are more prone to damage that will shorten their lifespan.

Removable Veneers

They are a good option for those who have not yet decided if they can take the irreversible effect of veneers. These veneers made of resin are less expensive, but they don’t look as natural as other options. Patients can remove them at any time, like dentures; however, this makes them prone to plaque buildup.

Palatal Veneers

Also known as onlays, palatal veneers are restorations for the surface behind the front teeth compromised by bruxism, deep bite, or erosion. They treat only the problematic area of the teeth, preserving the structure of the entire set while leaving the healthy teeth untouched. Porcelain or resin are materials also used for palatal veneers.

What Affects Veneer Lifespan?

The longevity of your dental veneers is determined by how well you maintain your oral health. Veneers don’t need any extra maintenance, but keeping good oral habits will help them last a long time.

Factors that affect a veneer’s lifespan are:

  • Dental health before installation
  • Materials used
  • Oral hygiene
  • Mouth protection when playing sports
  • Teeth grinding at night
  • Using teeth for opening things
  • Chewing ice, pens, and fingernails
  • Eating hard-to-chew foods

Caring for veneers is generally the same as caring for your natural teeth. Make sure to brush and floss daily and visit the dentist regularly to maintain good oral hygiene. Remember to cut food into smaller pieces and chew them properly.

Are You a Good Candidate?

If you are concerned about the appearance of your teeth and having a hard time smiling confidently, dental veneers may be the perfect option for you. They can quickly conceal minor flaws like chips, stains, discolorations, malformations, worn enamel, unevenness, and undersized teeth.

Looking for Dental Veneers?

Advanced Dental Group cares for your smile.

If you are looking for dental professionals, we at Advanced Dental Group can help you find one. We are partnered with the best dentists in your area who can cater to your all dental needs effectively. Our team of affiliated dentists is skilled and compassionate in providing care for all patients.

Should you need a quick fix with dental veneers or any other dental service, give us a call, and we will connect you to one of them.

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