Denture Care and Maintenance - Tips and Hints

Denture Care and Maintenance: Tips and Hints

Wearing dentures provides several benefits to patients with missing teeth. Dentures fill these spaces and enable you to eat naturally, speak more clearly, and smile confidently. However, these benefits are only possible if the dentures are taken care of and well-maintained.

Even though these are artificial teeth, that doesn’t mean you should care less. Food can easily stick to the surface of your gums and become trapped under your dentures, just like with natural teeth. Denture care is essential in maintaining their life span, and most importantly, maintaining your oral health. Proper cleaning and maintenance minimize, if not completely avoid, the buildup of bacteria inside your mouth. If dentures are not properly cleaned, plaque will build up and cause serious oral problems like further tooth loss and gum disease. This bacteria buildup can also cause bad breath!

How Do You Care For Dentures?

Proper denture care equates to adequate cleaning. Cleaning your dentures takes more than just simply brushing them. Let us show you the steps:

  1. Before removing your dentures and start brushing, make sure you have a soft towel to place on the counter or table. This soft towel will serve as your cushion in case the dentures accidentally fall on the floor.
  2. When you remove your dentures, rinse them with warm water to wash away the food particles.
  3. Clean your mouth, tongue, and cheeks after removing the dentures. If you are using a partial denture, brush the natural teeth as usual.
  4. Use a soft-bristled toothbrush and a nonabrasive denture cleaner to remove the food particles. Do not use the denture cleaner while the dentures are still in your mouth.
  5. Before you put them back in your mouth, a denture rinse is needed, especially if you are using denture cleaners. A thorough rinsing removes harmful chemicals found in these cleaners that could cause pain, burning, or vomiting.
  6. When going to bed, soak them overnight with warm water or with a prescribed denture solution. This step ensures that your dentures won’t dry out because they will become brittle and painful to wear if they become dry.

What Are Denture Cleaners?

These are the cleaners that help prevent the buildup of bacteria and reduce odor. It comes in different forms: tablets, paste, gels, creams, or solutions. The tablets are dropped in warm water while creams, paste, and gels are brushed into the dentures.

How Often Should You Clean Them?

Daily brushing is essential. But it is way better if you brush it at least twice a day – once when you wake up in the morning and once before going to bed.

What Are Denture Adhesives? When Do You Need One?

Denture adhesives act like glue, attaching the denture to your gums. It creates stability and a seal from food particles to keep them from becoming trapped.

Generally, saliva is all that is needed to keep the dentures in place. However, if you suffer from Xerostomia (dry mouth), you are a singer, or in a field who speaks a lot, denture adhesives can be of immense help. It would be best to stay mindful of the quantity, as most of these products contain zinc. Excessive zinc in the body can lead to blood disorders.

How Do You Properly Maintain The Dentures?

A well-maintained denture can last for a decade. Follow these steps and see how it cares for your dentures.

  1. After eating, remove and rinse your dentures to loosen up and wash away the food particles.
  2. Hold the dentures carefully, do not bend them.
  3. Do not apply whitening toothpaste to your dentures. There are tubes of toothpaste that are too abrasive for the dentures.
  4. Do not apply bleaching products as this weakens the dentures.
  5. Do not use hot water as it can deform your dentures.
  6. Do not sleep with your dentures on. Soak them in warm water overnight.
  7. Follow the manufacturer’s instructions if you are using denture adhesives. Never go beyond the required quantity.
  8. Never attempt to fix a broken denture. Visit your dentist immediately.

Your dentures are an essential part of your everyday life. It is necessary to keep them in good shape so that they can serve their purpose. While applying these denture care tips helps keep your dentures in good condition for a long time, nothing beats visiting your dentist regularly for holistic oral care.

Should you need to visit a dentist for your denture check-up or regular cleaning, do not hesitate to call us. We at Advanced Dental Group have partnered with the best dentists in your area to cater to all of your dental needs. Schedule an appointment with us, and we will connect you with them!

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