Best Dentists in Pinellas Park, FL

Pinellas Park, Florida

Bacterial growth in the mouth is a common cause of gum disease, and it mainly occurs because of poor oral hygiene.

If you are not regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, and you haven’t paid a visit to your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, in a while, then you are at risk of acquiring various dental issues.

Periodontitis or gum disease is a serious infection that causes damage to the soft tissue, which could lead to bone destruction. When the bone is destroyed, your teeth can loosen, leading to tooth loss.

Gingivitis, another common oral problem, is the gum inflammation that occurs before periodontitis takes place. While there is no tissue damage yet, the gums can be irritated, making them bleed when brushing.

Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL
Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL

What Happens When You Forget To Brush Your Teeth?

Plaque, a sticky, often colorless or light yellow deposit, builds up on your teeth. It forms from a combination of saliva, food particles, fluids, and bacteria. When this acid-producing bacteria attacks the enamel of the tooth, it causes cavities. When this plaque hardens, it becomes harder to clean and can eventually open doors for gingivitis.

Are There Other Causes Aside From Plaque?

Though plaque is the main cause, there are other factors that contribute to periodontitis:

  • Tobacco and smoking
  • Genetics or family history
  • Saliva-production-inhibiting medication
  • Cancer, HIV, diabetes, and other immune-system-debilitating diseases
  • Hormonal changes
Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL
Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL

What Are the Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For?

Though there are instances where gum disease can occur without pain or with few obvious signs, it does not come without warning. Below are the symptoms to watch out for:

  • Bleeding gums while brushing teeth
  • Red, swollen gums
  • Persistent bad taste
  • Bad breath
  • Gum recession
  • Loose teeth
  • Deep pockets within gums and teeth
  • Changes in fit of dentures

Pinellas Park, FL, dentists can recognize gum disease even without these symptoms. During the check-up, the dentists will look for the following:

  • Pocket depth
  • Teeth movement
  • Teeth sensitivity
  • Teeth alignment
  • Jawbone outlook

How Is It Treated?

Depending on the severity of the gum disease, dentists in Pinellas Park, FL, would recommend either surgical or non-surgical treatment. The main goal is to reattach the teeth to the healthy gums, reduce risk of infection, reduce swelling, reduce pocket depth, and prevent further progression.
Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL

Non-Surgical Treatments:

Surgical Treatments:

Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL
Advanced Dental Group - Pinellas Park, FL

Other Treatments:

Gum diseases can easily be detected if you don’t miss any scheduled dental check-ups. Prevention of further damage can be successfully done when spotted early on. By changing your lifestyle, engaging in healthy dental habits, and, of course, regularly visiting your Pinellas Park, FL, dentist, you can guarantee your mouth is always in its best condition.

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Should you need the best dentists in Pinellas Park, FL, Advanced Dental Group is here to help you.

We are affiliated with the most skilled dentists in the area who can provide exceptional dental care to all their patients. They cater and serve all dental needs for overall oral health. Give us a call, and we will connect you to our great team of dentists.