ADG-Dentist starting teeth whitening procedure with young man

Avoid These Foods and Drinks After Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures

Some people are blessed with beautiful smiles, while others need a bit more help to achieve them. Dentists offer many cosmetic dentistry procedures to help their patients achieve their smile goals. These procedures can dramatically change your looks, but they will need good dental care to stand the test of time.

Many patients ask what foods and beverages they should avoid following a cosmetic procedure. While the procedure they undergo may vary, there are particular food and drink groups they should generally avoid.

Types of Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures 

Cosmetic dentistry is a type of professional dental care that enhances the appearance of your smile. These procedures are elective, but they can also restore some of your teeth’ functions.

The five most popular cosmetic dentistry procedures dentists provide are:

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is the most common and popular among all the cosmetic dentistry procedures performed at a dentist’s office. It is doable at home, but your dentist will always give you the best and fastest results. Dentists or dental hygienists use a bleaching agent to whiten your teeth after giving your teeth a professional cleaning.

Cosmetic Bonding 

Bonding or cosmetic bonding is a cosmetic procedure where a dentist gives your teeth a healthy appearance by covering cracks, chips, and worn-down edges with a composite material that matches the color of your teeth’s enamel.


Implants are an excellent alternative to dentures if you have missing teeth and want to restore teeth function and a good-looking smile. Dentists place a tiny titanium screw into your jaw and top it with a crown that looks like natural teeth. Implants become a permanent part of your mouth when supporting tissues like gum and bones fuse with the implant. However, this cosmetic dentistry treatment may take a while to complete because the gums need to heal.

Inlays and Onlays 

Also known as indirect fillings, inlays and onlays can fill cavities that are too small for crowns and too big for fillings. Inlays cover the cusps of teeth, while onlays cover more of your tooth’s surface.

Dental Veneers 

Veneers are made of medical-grade ceramic that dentists use to cover their patient’s natural teeth. They are custom-made for each patient and perfectly blend in with natural teeth while covering up cosmetic issues like gaps and damaged enamel.

Food and Drinks To Avoid After Cosmetic Dentistry Procedures 

Avoiding all the foods and drinks listed here is ideal but not realistically possible. The best thing anyone can do is to be cautious around them.


What can’t you eat with veneers? Sticky, gummy, and hard candies. They won’t do your teeth any good; sticky candies and gummy bears can stick to your teeth and pull on dental veneers and bonded teeth. Hard candies can crack and damage your natural teeth and other dental work like any other hard food.

Try to suck on them instead of biting them. However, don’t suck for too long, or you’ll expose your teeth and mouth to tons of sugar.


Ice-cold beverages are an excellent way to cool down on hot summer days, and it’s near impossible not to chew on any leftover ice. However, chewing on ice is unsuitable for veneers and bonded front teeth because it can damage them. Perhaps this is the sign you need to stop your ice-chewing habits.

Popcorn, Nuts, and Other Hard Foods 

“What can you eat with veneers and other cosmetic dental work?” Definitely not hard foods like nuts and popcorn. Avoid chewing on hard foods and nuts using your front teeth to avoid damaging them, whether natural or cosmetically enhanced. Chew them with your rear premolars to protect your teeth. Eating with bonded front teeth? Avoid apples and corn on the cob to keep your front teeth safe.

Acidic and Teeth-staining Drinks

Coffee, tea, wine, and juices can stain and damage your natural teeth and dental prostheses. Avoid them, or limit your consumption, especially if you have just had your teeth whitened. If you absolutely must have your coffee or wine, try drinking them through a straw to avoid staining your teeth.

Tomato-based Sauces 

Acidic tomato or curry sauces can stain your teeth. You don’t have to eliminate these delicious sauces from your diet, but rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after eating them to help maintain your bright smile.

Blueberries, Raspberries, and Blackberries 

These are one of the most teeth-friendly foods you can eat due to their tannins. However, it’s best to eat them in moderation; eating a lot of tannin-rich berries can stain your teeth. Rinse your mouth with water and brush your teeth after you eat them.

How to Care For Your Teeth After Cosmetic Procedures 

Here are some ways to care for your smile after a cosmetic dentistry treatment, whether you had your teeth whitened or teeth bonding after braces.

Be careful of what you eat. 

You should avoid eating hard foods like ice cubes and almonds if you have recently had crowns, veneers, or bonding done on your teeth. Hard and chewy foods can damage the cosmetic dental work done on your teeth.

Avoid chewing or biting non-food items. 

Do not chew or bite anything other than food, such as fingernails, pencils, or pen tips. You also shouldn’t use your teeth to open things like packages and bags of chips. Use scissors or the appropriate opening tool; otherwise, you might damage your new smile.

Maintain good oral hygiene. 

Flossing and brushing your teeth, as recommended by dental health professionals, can prevent stain buildup. It also removes plaque and tartar, leading to tooth decay and gum disease if left untreated. Veneers do not cover your gums, which will still recede if you have periodontitis or gingivitis.

Using mouthwash is an excellent oral hygiene habit, but do avoid using alcohol-based ones. They can damage and weaken the bonding agent holding your dental work in place. You should also use toothpaste made specifically for dental restorations.

Tea, wine, and coffee lovers should rinse their mouths or brush their teeth after drinking their favorite drinks to avoid staining them. Doing so will remove staining pigments and reduce their mouth’s acidity.

Use a mouth guard. 

It’s best to wear a night guard if you tend to grind or clench your teeth. These actions can damage your natural teeth and dental work. You should also talk to your dentist about getting a mouth guard if you are involved in contact sports.

Stop smoking. 

Smoking can stain and damage your teeth and affect your overall health. You can save money and keep your teeth and body healthy if you quit smoking. You also reduce the amount of dental work or restorations done on your teeth if you quit smoking.

Realize your dental goals with Advanced Dental Group. 

Our partner dentists in Arvada, CO can help you achieve the smile of your dreams. They also provide preventive dental procedures to help you keep your teeth and gums healthy. Call us today, and we’ll connect them to you right away.

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