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All About Black Triangle Teeth

Black spaces between your teeth could ruin your entire smile.

Celebrities with bright smiles are becoming more popular, making people notice their cosmetic dental problems more and more. One of these common dental problems is the black triangles between teeth.
These black triangles between teeth are also known as gingival embrasures. You’ll probably notice them when you smile wide in front of the mirror. They might seem harmless at first, but they can be dangerous if not treated immediately. Learn what causes them and how to get rid of them with Advanced Dental Group.

What Are Black Triangle Teeth?

These black, triangle-shaped gaps between your gums and teeth are open gingival embrasures. They are also called black triangle teeth, which occur when the gaps between your teeth and gum tissue are not filled. They are also associated with dental habits, age, and bone injury.

Black triangles between teeth are a common problem; according to a study, almost 67% of adults over 20 have black spaces between their teeth.

Unfortunately, these black spaces between our teeth are not good. Food debris can get trapped in them over time, causing plaque buildup. This leaves your teeth susceptible to gum infections and cavities, particularly if you don’t have a proper oral care regimen.

What Causes Black Triangle Teeth?

Discussing this condition with your dentist as soon as possible is crucial before they get worse. They may use your dental history and the cause of your black triangle teeth as a guide in recommending treatments.

Some of the causes of black triangle teeth include:

1. Receding Gums

Gum disease, infections, aging, and smoking can cause your gums to grow thin and recede from your teeth. They expose the roots of your teeth to bacteria, which cause cavities and other dental issues. Seek help from your dentist if you find gaps between your teeth, regardless of their size.

2. Aggressive Dental Hygiene Techniques

Brushing or flossing too hard can damage the tissue between your teeth. Try to be gentle when you brush your teeth and use a toothbrush with soft bristles in the right size. Brushes that are too large also contribute to the development of black triangle teeth.

Gum tissues are sensitive; brushing them too hard damages them. A 2011 study showed that other dental hygiene cleaners, such as small wand-shaped brushes, can cause black triangles between teeth if they are too large for the space.

3. Fragile Gums

Each person has different gum tissue thickness and stability. Experts believe that thin gum tissues are not tough enough for some dental procedures. Getting their full thickness back after implantation or dental surgery may become difficult.

4. Teeth Shape

Apart from the gum thickness, each person’s tooth shape also differs. Teeth are considered triangular if the biting surface is wider and tapers as it nears the gum line. People with triangular teeth are more likely to develop black gaps between them.

5. Orthodontic Mistakes

Many dental conditions develop after an orthodontic procedure has gone wrong, including black triangle teeth. Small gaps can form when the teeth shift into new positions. Repeating the procedure or visiting a more reliable dentist may become necessary.

How To Get Rid Of Black Triangles Between Teeth?

Now that it’s clear black gaps between teeth are more than just a cosmetic issue. The next step is to learn how to eliminate them.

It is essential to understand the complex nature of dental conditions and help you and your dentist determine the best disciplinary approach to managing them. Consult your dentist before making any lifestyle or treatment changes for your dental health.

Patients have several options for black triangle between teeth treatment, which include:

Composite Resin

Many people have their dentists fill the gaps using composite resin bonding. The process is not complicated, but it may take a few months in some cases since they apply the resin in thin layers to help make it look natural and allow your gums to adjust to the smaller spaces. Your dentist may recommend a different color depending on your needs.

Gentle Dental Hygiene

The American Dental Association (ADA) recommends flossing and brushing twice a day with care. The small black triangles between your teeth may disappear by just changing your oral care routine, helping your gums return to their normal healthy state.

Hyaluronic Acid Treatments

Hyaluronic acid treatments can help regenerate gum tissues, adding volume to the gums and reducing the formation of black gaps.

Some advocates prefer hyaluronic treatments over surgical corrections because they are less painful and require shorter recovery periods. However, it’s still a relatively new treatment, with few studies on its effectiveness.


Veneers also cover the gaps. Your dentist may recommend tooth-colored composite veneers to improve the appearance of your teeth. However, they might have to change the natural surface of your teeth to help the veneers stick well. They also last for 18 months to 20 years.


Braces can also close any black spaces between your teeth caused by a procedure or other process. The black triangles between teeth after Invisalign and other orthodontic treatments get smaller, making these treatments worth it.


Some periodontists may recommend tissue grafting for patients with advanced gum recession, where they remove a small part of the roof of the mouth and graft it on the areas with receding gums. Sometimes, they may also perform bone grafts to build up the tooth’s base.

Depending on how far your gums have receded, your periodontist may recommend pinhole surgery. It’s a less invasive procedure where they use collagen strips to reattach your gum tissue without incisions and sutures that disrupt blood supply.

A small study with five participants showed that pinhole surgery for repairing black triangles between teeth has a 96.7% effectiveness.

How To Prevent Black Triangle Teeth?

Brushing and flossing twice a day is crucial in preventing gum disease, tooth decay, discoloration, and most severe dental problems. Routine dental checks are also crucial to keep yourself informed about how your lifestyle choices impact your dental health and let your dentist monitor and guide you along the way.

The American Dental Association has developed guidelines for brushing teeth and performing interdental cleaning. They also recommend brushing teeth using toothbrushes with soft bristles that are just the right size to fit in your mouth.

Manage your oral health today with Advanced Dental Group.

Our partner dentists in Arvada, CO are trusted and experienced in treating most dental problems. They provide only the best solutions to black triangle teeth and other oral health issues. Contact us today, and we’ll connect you to them as soon as possible.

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