Here's Why You Should Never Ignore Dental Pain

Here’s Why You Should Never Ignore Dental Pain

Teeth pain is one of the many things you may experience once in your life.

When this happens, you may not go through with your routine; the excruciating pain will distract you and may leave you wanting to drink all the pain medications in your medicine cabinet.

However, you should know that dental pain is your body’s one way of telling you something’s wrong; it is something you should never ignore. Advanced Dental Group is here to walk you through the causes of pain and dental pain relief remedies you can try.

Teeth Pain: What You Should Know

The most common culprit behind dental pain is cavities. However, they’re not the only ones to blame when you experience it. There are different reasons why your teeth hurt. Your first thought may be to ease the pain through over-the-counter pain medications; however, not knowing the root cause may only lead to a dental emergency. Visit the dentist regularly to avoid having to experience crippling pain.

Different Causes of Dental Pain

As we said, cavities are not the only reason someone may experience pain. There are several reasons behind teeth pain.

Here are some of the causes of dental pain you should know about:

1. Gum Disease

Red and swollen gums mean you have gingivitis or periodontitis. These are classic signs you have infected gum tissues. If you have swollen gums, there may be health and hygiene issues a dental professional needs to address right away.

If left untreated, gum disease may lead to teeth pain, tooth loss, and gum degeneration. Gums recede when bacteria breed in the crevices of your gums and teeth, resulting in gaps and pockets. Harmful bacteria will eat away and expose your tooth roots — leading to a painful dental situation.

2. Cracks and Fractures

Bad dental habits like biting down on hard objects, chewing ice, and using your teeth to open packets often wear teeth down and cause teeth fractures and cracks, along with dental trauma.
Some causes of dental trauma are as follows:

  • Contact sports
  • Vehicle collisions
  • Falls
  • Physical fights

Do not ignore the cracks and fractures in your teeth; there’s a chance your dentist can save it. Don’t let the pain start before you go to the dentist.

3. Abscessed Tooth

If you notice a tooth that has become extra sensitive and causes you a great deal of pain, an abscessed tooth may be the root cause. There are three different types of abscesses, and they have one thing in common — a pocket of pus that formed due to an infection.

  • Periapical Abscess: This one is located at the tip of the tooth’s root.
  • Periodontal Abscess: This type of abscess is located on the gum tissues next to the tooth’s root. It carries the risk of spreading to the bone and tissue.
  • Gingival Abscess: This type of abscess is located on the gums.

The signs of an abscessed tooth are throbbing teeth pain on your neck, ear, or jaw. Other signs include:

  • Popping sound from your ear or jaw
  • Foul taste in your mouth
  • Excruciating pain when you lie down

4. Wisdom Teeth

If you don’t have a cracked tooth or an abscess, the teeth pain you’re feeling may come from erupting wisdom teeth, the last set of your teeth to grow. More often than not, your mouth may not have sufficient space for them. The amount of pain they bring also depends on the teeth’ position.

Impacted wisdom teeth often cause soreness, swelling, and pain. Your dentist will determine if an extraction is necessary. If it is, you’ll undergo surgery to remove them before they protrude from your gums.

Dental Pain Relief: What You Can Do

Of course, everyone wants relief from excruciating pain. Your dentist will be the one to find out the exact cause of the pain you’re feeling and develop a treatment plan to address it.
Here are some dental pain relief methods your dentist may recommend:

  • Periodontal Treatments: If the pain is due to gum disease, your dentist will include periodontal treatments. The extent of the treatment will depend on the stage of your gum disease.
  • Root Canal: If your teeth are decayed or damaged, a root canal procedure may help save your teeth.
  • Dental Fillings: They fill in cavities that bacteria leave after eating away the teeth’ enamel.
  • Dental Crowns: When the damage is extensive, your dentist may recommend dental crowns instead of dental fillings.

Dental Pain Relief Is Within Your Reach

At Advanced Dental Group, we help provide immediate dental pain relief by connecting you to licensed dentists near you.

There’s no need to push through the pain using medications with us. We can’t wait to serve you! We have a network of licensed dentists ready to take you in. Call us today, and we’ll have you connected to one in no time.

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