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Pinellas Park, Florida
Bacterial growth in the mouth is a common cause of gum disease, and it mainly occurs because of poor oral hygiene.
If you are not regularly brushing and flossing your teeth, and you haven’t paid a visit to your dentist in Pinellas Park, FL, in a while, then you are at risk of acquiring various dental issues.
Periodontitis or gum disease is a serious infection that causes damage to the soft tissue, which could lead to bone destruction. When the bone is destroyed, your teeth can loosen, leading to tooth loss.
Gingivitis, another common oral problem, is the gum inflammation that occurs before periodontitis takes place. While there is no tissue damage yet, the gums can be irritated, making them bleed when brushing.
What Happens When You Forget To Brush Your Teeth?
Are There Other Causes Aside From Plaque?
Though plaque is the main cause, there are other factors that contribute to periodontitis:
- Tobacco and smoking
- Genetics or family history
- Saliva-production-inhibiting medication
- Cancer, HIV, diabetes, and other immune-system-debilitating diseases
- Hormonal changes
What Are the Signs and Symptoms to Watch Out For?
Though there are instances where gum disease can occur without pain or with few obvious signs, it does not come without warning. Below are the symptoms to watch out for:
- Bleeding gums while brushing teeth
- Red, swollen gums
- Persistent bad taste
- Bad breath
- Gum recession
- Loose teeth
- Deep pockets within gums and teeth
- Changes in fit of dentures
Pinellas Park, FL, dentists can recognize gum disease even without these symptoms. During the check-up, the dentists will look for the following:
- Pocket depth
- Teeth movement
- Teeth sensitivity
- Teeth alignment
- Jawbone outlook
How Is It Treated?
Non-Surgical Treatments:
- Dental Cleaning - Dentists remove tartar and plaque from your teeth and treat them with needed fluoride. For those with early signs, cleaning more than twice a year is needed to help prevent further progression.
- Scaling and Root Planing - This is a deep-cleaning under local anesthetic. The tartar and plaque above and below the gum line are scraped away by smoothing its rough spots. This process removes the bacteria and creates a clean surface for the gums where the teeth can be reattached.
Surgical Treatments:
- Flap or Pocket Reduction Surgery - The procedure involves lifting the back of the gums to remove the tartar. Irregular surfaces are also smoothed to limit the areas where the bacteria hides. By preventing the growth of bacteria, serious health problems are also prevented.
- Bone Grafts - It is a bone replacement procedure (either from a synthetic, donated, or your own bone) for destroyed bones. The grafts restore tooth stability thereby promoting regrowth of bone. Tissue engineering is a new method that enables your body to regenerate tissue and bones.
- Soft Tissue Graft - The procedure involves stitching the grafted tissue in place and adding tissue into the affected area.
- Guided Tissue Regeneration - The procedure stimulates the growth of bone and tissue specifically if the bone has already been destroyed. In combination with the flap surgery, a mesh-like fabric is placed in between the affected bone and gum tissue. This way, the gum tissue will grow in place of the bone thereby allowing bone and tissue to regrow.
- Bone Surgery - If there is moderate or advanced bone loss, or if the tissue is already beyond repair, surgery is the next option in order to smooth the bone crater. After the flap surgery, the dentists in Pinellas Park, FL, will reshape the bone around the tooth to decrease these craters. This way, bacteria growth is prevented.
Other Treatments:
- Antibiotic treatment
- Antibacterial toothpaste with fluoride and triclosan
- Laser
Advanced Dental Group
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