ADG-Woman With Beautiful Smile Brushing Healthy White Teeth

Summer Oral Care Tips

Summer will always be part of our year’s highlights.

It’s a time for high spirits, treats, and fun activities. A cavity or toothache is the last thing you’ll want to experience.

However, summer also means sweet treats and more causes of dental problems. Vacations also throw off your oral hygiene routine. Learn some summer oral care tips and what to avoid during summer with Advanced Dental Group.

Summer Oral Care Tips

Many people take advantage of the heat to take time to cool down and go on vacations. It doesn’t mean you should ease up on your dental hygiene routine. Here are some oral care tips to remember for a healthy smile this summer.

Keep your routine.

One of the oral care tips you and your family should remember is to stick to your oral hygiene routines, whether you’re staying home or going on a vacation. Many children enjoy a more relaxed summer schedule, with fewer school days and more time for vacations, sleepovers, and later bedtimes. With all their freedom, children will need structure in their days and someone to reinforce and maintain their good dental habits. Try using a summer-themed chart to remind them to brush their teeth.

Adults also need to continue their oral health care routines during vacations. Try to be consistent with brushing and flossing twice a day; rising temperatures make people eat more sugary foods and drink.

Another way to make sure you and your family stick to your oral hygiene while on vacation is to prepare a summer oral care kit. Prepare your essential oral health care products in small, easy to bring containers or purchase travel-size oral health care products and place them in a small bag.

Always replace your toothbrush every few months or whenever they start looking worn out. Also, consider using fluoride toothpaste to protect your teeth.

Get an early back-to-school dental visit.

Certain schools require back-to-school dental visits that help ensure your child’s healthy smile. These dental visits help dentists find and treat any problem that may cause your children to miss school. Here’s a summer dental tip: schedule these appointments early to avoid the rush and get the best schedule.

Watch what you drink.

Watching what you consume is another oral health tip to remember. Sports drinks and sodas can damage teeth enamel. Sparkling water and fruit juices are healthier options, but they tend to have high acidity levels. Black tea and iced coffee are great for a caffeine boost, but they can stain teeth. It’s probably best to drink green tea or herbal teas for your much-needed caffeine.

Summer is also a time for parties and drinking. Here are some summer dental tips if you’re going to drink. Remember to keep things light — choose only light-colored drinks, and don’t drink too much. Some alcoholic drinks can stain teeth and are full of harmful sugars or acids. Alcohol also reduces saliva flow, which usually flushes bacteria out of your mouth. Reduced saliva flow will result in a dry mouth, increasing the likelihood of tooth decay.

Be careful of dental accidents.

Summer is incomplete without sticky caramel, corn on the cob, spur-of-the-moment baseball games, and roughhousing at the pool. Here’s another oral care tip to remember: avoid these foods and activities if you can. You might lose a crown or crack a tooth. Ice is a popular way of cooling down and staying hydrated. However, it can lead to serious dental problems like tooth cracks below the gum line.

Avoid foods that can damage dentures.

Remember this oral care tip if you wear dentures. Foods like saltwater taffy, corn on the cob, or apples can damage or dislodge your dentures. Eat them in moderation, and be careful whenever you take a bite.

Drink plenty of water.

One of the best oral health tips to remember is to hydrate. Drinking water is important for our oral hygiene and overall health. However, hot days can make it difficult to keep hydrated. Your mouth produces less saliva, which cleans your teeth and keeps them healthy,

Eat more healthy foods.

Include eating more healthily this summer to your list of oral health tips to remember. Hot weather makes it easier for people to adopt unhealthy eating habits like ice cream and eating junk food. It’s best to include healthy foods into your diet. Sugary foods can cause tooth decay and plaque buildup. Always have stocks of healthy seasonal fruits and vegetables at the ready; they’re better and healthier for your teeth and overall health.

You can still enjoy a glass of soda or ice cream in the summer; just be careful not to overdo it. Eat sugary treats in moderation and always brush your teeth after eating them.
Another summer dental tip: remember to drink more water and rinse your mouth after eating sugary drinks, snacks, and meals.

Common Causes of Summer Dental Problems

Many people love summer; it brings tons of adventure, fun memories, and exciting activities. It’s also an equally important time to maintain your dental health. After giving you some oral care tips to remember this summer, here are some aspects of summer that can negatively affect your oral health.


Water is vital to your overall health and well-being, but you might not realize it’s also important to your oral health. You’re more likely to experience dehydration during summer due to the high heat. Your salivary glands will not produce enough saliva if you’re dehydrated, which can dry out your gums and teeth.

This is the ideal environment for bacteria to flourish, leading to many diseases. This is especially true if you’ve been consuming sodas and sticky foods. So keep hydrated not just during the summer but throughout the year.

Sweet Treats

It’s tempting to indulge in sweet treats during the summer, and you’ll always find them available at festivals, fairs, and ice cream trucks. However, consuming so much sugary food increases your chance of developing a cavity; you’re putting your teeth at the mercy of sticky, sugary desserts.

A lack of oral health care routine can cause tooth decay. Reduce sugary snack intake by choosing low-sugar, healthier alternatives.

Chomping Ice

Chewing ice straight out of the fridge or cold drinks can damage your teeth. It can break or chip your teeth and damage your enamel and teeth over time. Don’t bite the ice; instead of chewing, it’s better to just suck on it to cool off.

Sports Injuries

Summer is more likely to bring you out to enjoy the outdoors and participate in physical activities. You’ll be more vulnerable to injury if you take part in contact sports, swimming, running, and other summer activities. Contact sports can injure your jaw, teeth, and mouth if you don’t wear the proper protective gear. Swimming for a long time also exposes you to chlorine, which increases your chances of developing tooth decay.

No matter what summertime sport or activity you choose, make sure you have the right gear to protect your smile.

Acidic Treats

Healthy fruits also have adverse health effects. Most of them have high levels of acidity, especially citrus fruits. Acids can cause enamel to wear down, making your teeth more sensitive.

This doesn’t mean you should stop eating these healthy treats. However, it’s essential to encourage healthy habits with them. Drink plenty of water with citrus fruits to reduce the acidity.

Keep Teeth Healthy this Summer with Advanced Dental Group

You should have quality dental care twice a year to ensure your oral health is in top shape. Our partner dentists in St. Petersburg, FL, are highly qualified to assess your mouth and spot any dental problem you might have. They can also give a thorough cleaning your teeth needs to stay healthy. Give us a call today, and we’ll connect them to you as soon as possible.

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