Seven Tips To Prevent Dental Implant Infection

Seven Tips To Prevent Dental Implant Infection

Dental implants are a reliable treatment for tooth replacement. This long-term solution for tooth loss uses titanium to fuse the implant to your jawbone. Not only does the procedure have high success rates, it can also last for an extensive period, making it a worthwhile investment for your dental health.

Unfortunately, dental procedures are never 100% risk-free. Despite having up to 95% success rates, dental implant infection can still happen; in this article, you will learn about the symptoms and how to prevent implant infection.

What Are Dental Implants?

A dental implant is a procedure where a surgical fixture is placed and fused to the jawbone. This acts as a replacement for a missing tooth. Most dental implants are made from titanium, which is the easiest element to fuse with bone without being recognized as a foreign object. Over the years, the process of dental implants has progressed, and the success rate is now close to 98%.

Dental Implant Infection Symptoms

After a dental implant, it is important to take serious care of your oral health. You need to watch out for the dental implant infection signs, including:

  • Excessive pain and discomfort around and in the area of the implant;
  • Inflammation around the area, such as redness, sensitivity, swelling, or bleeding gums;
  • Pain every time you chew;
  • When the implant feels a little loose; and
  • Receding gums around the implant.

When you experience any or all of the symptoms mentioned above, it is best to visit your dentist to know what course of action must be taken to prevent any further damage from occurring.

How To Treat Dental Implant Infection

If you observe any or all of the symptoms listed above, or if you feel like you are experiencing a dental implant infection, it is best to contact your dentist and have it checked immediately. The earlier you take action, the better the result will be.

Dental implant infection treatment may include a prescribed anti-bacterial rinse and antibiotics, special dental cleaning, surgery, or laser treatment. Once the dentist determines the severity of the infection, they will then create and recommend the most effective treatment to prevent implant failure.

How To Prevent Dental Implant Infections

Any type of surgery, no matter how simple, carries risks of infection. Here are seven tips you can follow to prevent or limit the possibility of dental implant infections:

1. Follow Post-Operative Instructions

Your dentist understands the risks of every dental surgery more than anyone else. Obey all their instructions following the procedure, and you will not have anything to worry about.

2. Clean Your Mouth Regularly

The best way to protect your oral health against infections after an implant begins at home. Keep your mouth and implant clean and free from bacteria by removing food particles trapped between your teeth. This can be done by brushing after meals, flossing every night, and simple rinsing with water, which can also keep your mouth moist and prevent bacteria build-up.

3. Visit Your Dentist

A dental implant is not typically subject to tooth decay; however, regular visits to the dentist will help you fight off any bacteria and plaque buildup that may result in dental problems capable of affecting the implant. Your dentist will know exactly how to treat a dental implant infection when they discover its symptoms. With quick intervention, you can prevent it from getting worse.

5. Limit Sugar Intake

Sugar is the number one cause of tooth decay and plaque build-up, enabling the development of bacteria. This is why sugar-rich food and drinks must be avoided or, at the very least, limited. If you can’t cut them out altogether, you can rinse your mouth with clean water after eating.

6. Eat Soft Food

During the first few weeks after your surgery, it is best to eat soft food, such as soup, oatmeal, fruits, and yogurt. This will protect your implant from accidentally bleeding and leading to infection.

7. Avoid Smoking

Not only is smoking bad for your dental welfare, it can also have a negative and long-term effect on your overall health. Smoking hinders your body from healing and fighting off bacteria, causing your teeth and gums to be at risk of implant infection. It is highly recommended to quit smoking immediately.

Your dental implant is an investment for your oral health. That is why it is important to protect it from bacteria. With proper care and protection, you can avoid implant failure and may be able to keep your dental implant for decades.

To prevent infections and dental complications, it is best to choose a reputable dentist to handle your dental implant and take care of your dental needs. At Advanced Dental Group, we will connect you to the most qualified dentist to fit your needs and take care of your oral health. Contact us today!

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