ADG 5 Common Dental and Oral Diseases

5 Common Dental and Oral Diseases

Maintaining perfect oral health is important in keeping your whole body healthy, because your mouth is the gateway for anything you consume. May it be food, drinks, or medicine, all of them go directly through your mouth.

The most common oral diseases include cavities and different types of gum diseases. Some studies that show 40% of adults go through constant pain and discomfort in their mouth. Studies also have shown that 80% of people will have experienced a cavity before they have reached the age of thirty-four. Studies have also shown that dental diseases can easily be prevented with the right hygiene practices, as well as having sufficient knowledge about its signs and prevention.

Here are the most common types of dental diseases:

1. Gum Disease

Gum disease is one of the most common oral problems found in adults. It has different types and stages of development:

    • Gingivitis: This is the first stage of gum disease/oral disease. Gingivitis is a form of dental occurrence where the gums are inflamed because of plaque or bacteria collection on the teeth. Although it is a non-destructive type of gum disease, it can lead to more serious dental diseases if not treated right away.
    • Periodontal Disease: This infection is merely focused on the tissue that holds your teeth together. The main causes of periodontal disease are poor brushing and flossing techniques or gingivitis. Being the most severe form of gum disease, this stage needs prompt treatment as it may lead to a more severe oral condition.
    • Advanced Periodontal Disease: Being the last and most critical stage, this oral disease can cause the teeth to loosen and fall out.

If you see the first stage of gum disease, it is important to visit a dentist right away to prevent any more infection from happening.

2. Cavities

Cavities are one of the most common teeth diseases among children and adults. Cavities occur when the surface of a tooth is damaged, also known as having a hole in the tooth. It is known that cavities are caused by plaque collection due to eating food with high sugar and starch content. When the food you consume gets stuck in your teeth, it may lead to increased bacteria that can cause your tooth enamel to weaken. This will then lead to tooth decay.

Cavities are most common in people who do not have proper oral hygiene and consume too much sugary food and drinks such as soda, junk foods, and sweets. The main symptoms of cavities are tooth ache, tooth sensitivity, and shooting pain when consuming something cold.

3. Tooth Crowding

Tooth crowding, as its name suggests, is having too many teeth in one area of the mouth. Some people may think this type of dental problem is harmless, but it can actually cause bite problems and lead to a type of jaw disorder that requires surgery to fix.

The best way to fix tooth crowding is through certain realignment procedures such as braces, Invisalign, and many more.

4. Root Infection

Root infection is one of the most serious and most common oral diseases. It can be agonizing and uncomfortable because it infects the root of the tooth by entering through the center and attacking the pulp tissue inside. Root infection occurs when there is too much bacteria collection due to poor oral hygiene.

In order to treat root infection, you must go through a root canal procedure. Although many people think that it is a painful process, with a professional dentist, you will not feel anything throughout the whole process.

During the procedure, the dentist will drill a hole in the middle of the infected tooth and grind the damaged surface to have complete access to the root. When the dentist can gain access to the infected area, they will begin a suctioning process to pull out the infected tissue. A root canal typically requires a longer recovery time because of the chances the wound can easily be infected during recovery.

5. Oral Cancer

Oral cancer is the most dangerous among the list of oral diseases because it is considered to be a problem of the head and neck. Studies show that oral cancer causes 13,000 deaths every year. The first thing to appear when you have oral cancer is a pinkish growth in the mouth. When this happens, visit a dentist and have it checked straightaway. Oral cancer is known to be caused by years of smoking and drinking. Smokers are recommended to undergo regular checkups and cleaning to minimize their chances of getting oral cancer

Taking care of your body includes watching out for your oral health. If you recognize any signs of dental diseases developing, it is best to address it and visit a dentist for a checkup.

If you are looking for the right dentist who can handle all of your oral health concerns, Advance Dental Group is here to connect you to the most qualified dentist near your area. Never let a dental emergency come unnoticed, let a dental professional help you maintain a healthy mouth and prevent dental diseases from taking place. Contact us now!

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